  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

This is the manager responsible of all the rendering for meshes sprites and particles. It is enable to manage the different groups as well as the different necessary sort functions. This should not be used directly aside of the few static configurations


  • RenderingManager



  • Instantiates a new rendering group for a particular scene


    • scene: Scene

      Defines the scene the groups belongs to

    Returns RenderingManager


AUTOCLEAR: boolean

Used to globally prevent autoclearing scenes.


The max id used for rendering groups (not included)


The min id used for rendering groups (included)


  • get maintainStateBetweenFrames(): boolean
  • set maintainStateBetweenFrames(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the manager will not reset between frames. This means that if a mesh becomes invisible or transparent it will not be visible until this boolean is set to false again. By default, the rendering manager will dispatch all active meshes per frame (moving them to the transparent, opaque or alpha testing lists). By turning this property on, you will accelerate the rendering by keeping all these lists unchanged between frames.

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the manager will not reset between frames. This means that if a mesh becomes invisible or transparent it will not be visible until this boolean is set to false again. By default, the rendering manager will dispatch all active meshes per frame (moving them to the transparent, opaque or alpha testing lists). By turning this property on, you will accelerate the rendering by keeping all these lists unchanged between frames.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void


  • Add a submesh to the manager in order to render it this frame


    • subMesh: SubMesh

      The submesh to dispatch

    • Optional mesh: AbstractMesh

      Optional reference to the submeshes's mesh. Provide if you have an exiting reference to improve performance.

    • Optional material: Nullable<Material>

      Optional reference to the submeshes's material. Provide if you have an exiting reference to improve performance.

    Returns void

  • Add a particle system to the rendering manager in order to render it this frame.


    Returns void

  • Add a sprite manager to the rendering manager in order to render it this frame.


    Returns void

  • freeRenderingGroups(): void
  • Clear the info related to rendering groups preventing retention points during dispose.

    Returns void

  • Gets the current auto clear configuration for one rendering group of the rendering manager.


    • index: number

      the rendering group index to get the information for

    Returns IRenderingManagerAutoClearSetup

    The auto clear setup for the requested rendering group

  • getRenderingGroup(id: number): RenderingGroup
  • Parameters

    • id: number

    Returns RenderingGroup

  • setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil(renderingGroupId: number, autoClearDepthStencil: boolean, depth?: boolean, stencil?: boolean): void
  • Specifies whether or not the stencil and depth buffer are cleared between two rendering groups.


    • renderingGroupId: number

      The rendering group id corresponding to its index

    • autoClearDepthStencil: boolean

      Automatically clears depth and stencil between groups if true.

    • Optional depth: boolean

      Automatically clears depth between groups if true and autoClear is true.

    • Optional stencil: boolean

      Automatically clears stencil between groups if true and autoClear is true.

    Returns void

  • Overrides the default sort function applied in the rendering group to prepare the meshes. This allowed control for front to back rendering or reversely depending of the special needs.


    • renderingGroupId: number

      The rendering group id corresponding to its index

    • Optional opaqueSortCompareFn: Nullable<((a: SubMesh, b: SubMesh) => number)>

      The opaque queue comparison function use to sort.

    • Optional alphaTestSortCompareFn: Nullable<((a: SubMesh, b: SubMesh) => number)>

      The alpha test queue comparison function use to sort.

    • Optional transparentSortCompareFn: Nullable<((a: SubMesh, b: SubMesh) => number)>

      The transparent queue comparison function use to sort.

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static property
  • Static method

