  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Defines the predefined strategies used in the performance viewer.


  • PerfCollectionStrategy




  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of absolute fps metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the absolute fps strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of active bones metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the active bones strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of active faces metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the active faces strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of active indices metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the active indices strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of active meshes metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the active meshes strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of active particles metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the active particles strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of animations time metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the animations time strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of cpu utilization metrics. Needs the experimental compute pressure API.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the cpu utilization strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of draw calls metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the draw calls strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of fps metrics

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the fps strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of total frame time metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the total frame time strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of gpu frame time metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the gpu frame time strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of inter-frame time metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the inter-frame time strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of meshes selection time metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the meshes selection time strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of particles time metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the particles time strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of physics time metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the physics time strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of render time metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the render time strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of render targets time metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the render targets time strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of sprites time metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the sprites time strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of total lights metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the total lights strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of total materials metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the total materials strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of total meshes metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the total meshes strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of total textures metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the total textures strategy

  • Gets the initializer for the strategy used for collection of total vertices metrics.

    Returns PerfStrategyInitialization

    the initializer for the total vertices strategy


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

